Introduction to Packrafting – Packrafting 101

From: $315.00

Learn to packraft with the basics of safe and efficient packrafting.

If you’re looking for a different date to those we have available, get in touch.

What equipment do you need to borrow?

A basic introduction to packrafting with our one-day course course that gives you the beginnings of your packrafting skills.

It is aimed at novices and those packrafters who want to instil good habits from the outset. We will teach you:

  1. Inflating and caring for your packraft
  2. Equipment needed to be safe on moving water
  3. Packing and carrying your boat
  4. Efficient launching and landing
  5. Reading current and avoiding hazards
  6. Using an eddy to stop
  7. Ferry technique to move across the river
  8. Efficient paddle skills for packrafts
  9. Wet exits and wet re-entry, solo and assisted

The price includes free use of packrafts, PFDs, paddles and helmets.

This course should set you up to run a few easy rivers. The course runs over a half day from 9:30am to approximately 2pm.

If you’re looking for a different date to those we have available, get in touch.

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